Somewhere In Sevenoakes Page 6
”Maddy, can I see you for a minute?”
His voice sounded unusual to Maddy's sharp ears.
”Of course.”
She hung up and knocked on the door. Geoff gave her a mock assessment as she entered.
”I wasn't sure you'd be early this morning,” he said mockingly.
”Why ever not?” asked Maddy suspiciously.
”I thought you may have had things going on outside the office that would entitle you to a lie in.”
”What can I say Maddy? I've known you since you were straight out of school. Changes in your behaviour are very noticeable after eight years of mentoring you.”
”Don't be ridiculous,” she scoffed. ”You've clearly had Helen bending your ear.”
They both laughed as old friends do. Geoff was a surrogate father to her. Maddy had lost her own dad early in life. Having taken her under his wing, she looked up to Geoff. His genuine interest in her life was welcomed. She took a seat opposite him in his small office.
”I do hope you didn't call me in here to ask about the three date rule.”
”What's the three-date rule?” he asked curiously.
”Nothing,” she sighed, kicking herself for revealing too much.
Geoff clearly didn't know as much as he was letting on.
”What can I do for you then, Mr Angus?” said Maddy, adopting a professional tone.
”I want you to print off the annual accounts for the last five years.”
”Is there a problem?”
Maddy's pulse increased. She prepared the company accounts, which Geoff signed off at the end of each financial year. If there was an error or problem with the figures, it was ultimately down to her.
”Not at all. Maddy, your work is the highest standard. That's why it's you and I in the office this early discussing this. What I do need from you, is to keep my request for this paperwork to yourself for now.”
”Of course,” assured Maddy. ”I'll get onto it now and hopefully have them in on your desk before anyone else gets in.”
”Thanks Maddy.”
”Is there anything else you need? Additional stuff I should be doing?”
”Don't panic. I want to assess our figures thoroughly. It'll help me plan ahead for the company's future.”
”That puts my mind at rest. Sounds exciting.”
”I'm hoping it will be – for everyone.”
”Whilst we're talking about the future, Geoff.”
”Yes,” he said slowly.
”I wondered if you might let me slip away early tonight.”
”Can I ask why?”
”It's something exciting and something that has a potential for a future.”
“Is he worth me letting you leave early?”
Through his smile, Maddy could see the paternal concern.
”Definitely. But you keep that to yourself, Geoff.”
”Promise,” he stated,”and of course you can leave early. Go when you need to. It's we who owe you time off, not the other way round.”
Maddy hopped out of the office to print out the relevant information for Geoff.
By midday, James had five years of annual accounts from Yearwood, Angus and Port on his desk. He studied the spreadsheets, which he knew had been carefully prepared by Maddy. She really did know the company inside out. She hadn't lied that this established company were in a period of gradual growth with respect to profits. Because of the current financial climate, he could get away with devising a respectable offer slightly under what the company was worth; making the deal benefit his client. Maddy had told him her boss was due to retire, so an offer on the company would probably be favourably received by him. His client would pick up a property company that would grow and develop to be sold for a handsome profit when the country ascended from its current recession. Time was on their side because in the meantime the company would provide a yieldy cash cow for his clients with its healthy accounts.
The difficulty was, he shouldn't have known the company owners were hoping to retire. He shouldn't have known about the company culture or how loyal and productive the employed staff were. He definitely shouldn't have known about the extension and acquisition of new contracts the company were in the process of securing. James shouldn't have been privy to any type of insider knowledge, yet he was. Maddy loved her job, it was natural that she talk about it during their time together. In his heart of hearts though, James knew if Maddy had been aware of his involvement with her company she wouldn't have divulged the details. She had been speaking to him as a friend, as a boyfriend, discussing her day with him. Maddy had no idea she was priming him with information to acquire her company for a far larger one; potentially costing her, her job.
He sipped his coffee, realising it had gone cold. In Maddy's presence, work never featured in James' mind. For the first time in his life he could relax and enjoy the company of a woman that had an open and loving heart. Life wouldn't allow him to spend twenty-four hours by Maddy's side. The mortgage and bills needed to be paid and in order to do that he had to work. This deal was tearing him apart. Professionally he debated whether he should walk away from the project on the grounds of a conflict of interest. It was feasible and justifiable, but he had secured the clients and they remained with his firm because of the personal service he offered. By walking away, he'd jeopardise the business they bought in. He was known as a cut-throat, loyal business lawyer. Stepping away from the acquisition would have him appear soft and unable to deliver the goods when the heat was on. If word got out he'd abandoned his clients, it would risk frightening off his other clients. James didn't feel he had any choice other than to persist with setting up the deal.
The last time Maddy finished work early had been for the pre-wedding party her employers threw three days before her wedding. It was an awful memory for Maddy, but she knew it was about to be erased as she created a new one.
Leaving pre-rush hour was delightful. Maddy scooted around the supermarket, throwing ingredients into her trolley. Time was tight. Her intention wasn't to stuff herself and James full of food to the point where they'd end up sleeping on the sofa in front of the Thursday night soap operas on TV. 'Simple and tasty' was the mantra going through her mind as she whizzed up and down the aisles. Once home in the kitchen, she whipped up an easy crab and avocado starter, following it with a Moroccan dish of lamb and cous cous. The food would look tasty and aesthetically pleasing on the plate but wouldn't require excessive effort to prepare. If all went well that night, Maddy would have plenty of time in the future to startle James with her culinary skills.
With the food prepped and ready to go, she took a shower. Maddy ensured she was shaved, waxed and plucked in all the right places. Her hands worked an array of lotions into her skin. She styled her hair to the best of her ability. With access to her expansive wardrobe, not hindered by the limited choice of work clothes, she picked out a daringly conservative black dress. The sheer material clung in all the right places, accentuating all her curves. It came just above her knees – respectable but giving a hint of her best assets - her legs.
The doorbell rang before she had time to put her heels on. Another woman would have left James waiting, but Maddison believed in playing an attentive host. She ran barefoot to the door, opening it to see James decked in jeans and a tight white t-shirt.
”Boy do I feel under-dressed,” he winced.
”Boy do I feel short,” she retorted.
”You are tiny without heels on,” he agreed.
She was a full head shorter than him. The difference in height made him feel more protective of her.
”Good day at the office?”
He hated himself for asking. James wasn't even sure why he has. He reassured himself he wasn't fishing for information, but he also knew it wasn't merely a conversational pleasantry. Some place inside him hoped she might have sensed something happening at work, then talked to him about it so he could put forward the idea of her considerin
g moving on, but Maddy seem less inclined to discuss the office.
”Same old really. I was more concerned about getting dinner ready to be honest. I spent the day googling recipes rather than doing any accounting. How about you? Are things improving?”
”They are, with you,” he said, choosing to evade the office-related question.
She planted a glass of the champagne he'd bought over in his hand.
”Now tell me, what vegetarian delicacy have you created to tantalize my taste buds with tonight?”
”I'm not a vegetarian.”
”No, but I am.”
The sight of Maddy's face dropping was too much for him to bare to keep up the joke. He broke into a grin.
”I felt so bad then. I can't believe I didn't ask you...”
”I ate meat the last two nights,” reminded James.
”You did. I must have absorbed that fact and that's why I didn't stop to consider vegan options on tonight’s menu. I could have done you an egg sandwich or something I suppose.”
Maddy dimmed the lights, then lit two candles on her small old oak dining table.
”Too sickly sweet romantic?” she asked.
”It's perfect,” said James quietly.
She'd gone to a lot of trouble and he appreciated the effort. He didn't voice it aloud but if her skills in bed were as good as those in the kitchen, he'd be proposing marriage by the end of the night. James found her eyes hypnotic. Together, it was as if there was no world carrying on outside of the studio flat.
”My dessert was a tad unimaginative,” confessed Maddy. She took herself to the freezer in the kitchen, still in bare feet to retrieve a tub of ice-cream.
James stood and went to her.
”Forget that for now. Forget everything.”
Maddy looked up to see his blue eyes - dark, deep and unfathomable. He reached a hand behind her neck, then ran his hands through her hair, tipping her head back to face his. With eyes closed she waited for the kiss. Melting in the moment, part of her wanted the sex to be fast and furious; James, however, had other ideas.
He lifted Maddy onto the kitchen bench. Normally conscious about her weight, he was so strong she felt as light as a feather in his arms. James carried on kissing her. Slow and soft to begin, then exerting more pressure on her lips, lengthening the kiss, giving his tongue time to explore her mouth.
Her hands were already trying to remove his shirt. Maddy hadn't realised how badly she needed this. James lifted his shirt over his head. With his arms raised, Maddy saw how lean and toned his body was. The olive skin was smooth, with no hair apart from a trail leading from his navel down into his jeans. He kissed her again, dipping her back slightly so her head rested against the wall. Stepping back he slipped his hand into the plunging neckline of her dress. His hand was warm on her skin. She was aware her chest was rising and falling dramatically as his fingers inched down. James' fingertips rested on her cleavage. Maddy was hoping he'd yank her dress down, or at least bury his face in her cleavage, but he remained statuesque, studying her response to his hand inside her dress.
He positioned himself, between her thighs, forcing her to spread her legs. Under the façade of further kisses she relaxed into the session, pleased when his hands gripped each of her thighs. James moved his hands expertly up her legs, pushing her dress up as he went. As his hands worked their way from her outer to inner thighs, Maddy started work on extracting James from his jeans.
The belt buckle was complicated. Her frustration was evident, so James unbuckled himself. Maddy shifted herself to the edge of the bench. Reaching between her legs, James bunched her panties to one side. They groaned simultaneously at Maddy's wetness, as he slipped his middle and index fingers between her lips. James worked the two fingertips around her clit; massaging and rubbing it. Maddy wanted him inside her.
Unable to wait any longer, her hands clamped around the base of his cock. He exhaled heavily at her touch. She squeezed and moved her hand up and down his shaft. James cursed under his breath at the sensation of her working his dick. He tugged her hair back firmly to see her face as he worked his erection into her. Maddy whimpered as he penetrated her. He inched himself in; his girth and length eliciting delighted moans from her. Having buried his entire shaft in her, he moved his hips slowly.
Maddy lent back, spreading her legs to enable James to fuck her properly. She steadied her hands behind her to support his ever increasing thrusts. Solid in place, she bore down on his cock, relishing the feeling of being completely full and satisfied. She was tight around his hard-on which forced James to steady his pace in order to prevent himself climaxing too quickly.
Keen to take it to the bedroom, he lifted her from the bench. His prick firmly inside her, Maddy wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked to the bed.
He crashed on the mattress, with him on top. James rolled down his boxers, kicking them on the floor alongside his jeans. He went straight to Maddy's dress, rolling it down her arms to reveal her plump breasts. The lacy black bra contrasted with her milky white skin. Unable to resist, James sucked each nipple until she squirmed under his wanting mouth. Returning to kiss her, he retrieved a condom from his jeans on the floor, sheathed himself then entered her slit missionary style. Maddy wrapped her legs around his waist to allow him to plough her. His pace quickened, the motions becoming less smooth. He slammed his cock into her, always maintaining eye contact.
His appetite and need for Maddy was consuming him. Removing her legs from around his waist, he begged her to get on all fours. She did as he asked. James slid the dress down her body, tugging it off. He marvelled at her peachy buttocks. Stroking them, he noticed Maddy visibly trembled under his touch. He glided his hand between her legs, to make space for his cock. Wet and ready he entered her in a swift movement, plummeting his shaft deep and slow. In as far as he could go, he gyrated his hips slightly.
Maddy felt close to an orgasm. James held her hips tight to penetrate deeper. He dropped slightly, beads of sweat from his chest dropping onto her back. As he continued to work himself in and out of her, he massaged her breasts. Maddy was moving herself down his shaft, eager for him to satisfy her. Turned on by her initiative, leaving one hand to deal with her breasts, his other hand moved down her soft tummy, over her pubic bone until he reached her demanding pussy. His fingers toyed with her clit. The slow caress became vigorous as Maddy persisted in exercising her pelvic floor muscles, her vagina clamping on his cock.
”I'm desperate to come,” his voice raspy in her ear.
”Me too,” she said breathily.
”I want to see your face when you climax,” he said, dislodging from her.
Expecting Maddy to lay back, he was surprised when she pushed him flat on the bed. His cock looked even bigger and she couldn't wait to ride it. James bit his lip, waiting for her to mount him. Maddy squatted over his erection, lowering herself onto it. As she sank on the shaft, James jerked his hips. She could feel the helmet hit the wall of her vagina. Doing her best to control the depth of penetration, James teased her with occasional thrusts as he pulled her hips firmly onto his hard-on.
Maddy gathered her own pace, riding his cock for her own pleasure. Mesmerized by the orgasmic expression on her face, James reached up to pinch each nipple. The pinches had her bucking on his prick, instantly decelerating the pace. He hugged her flat to him, then rolled her on her side.
”Turn the other way,” he whispered.
She shifted to face away from him. His hands stroked her thighs and traced the curves of her shape. He lifted her leg, moving it back towards him, securing it on his waist. Having spread her legs to expose her pussy, he held his cock to slide into her one last time. More tender in style, it was no less satisfying. His dick worked in and out of her, stretching her vagina to accommodate him. As they made love, his free hand cupped her breasts before moving to caress her clit; his thumb massaging it, his fingers roaming round it. As her breathing increased he asked her to tell him when she was ready to clim
ax. Unable to wait any longer Maddy told him the time was now.
As her body quivered and her vagina spasmed around his shaft, he penetrated her as deep as possible, then came hard himself. He stayed inside her; the two of them out of breath with skins melded together by sweat generated from their exertions.
James' eye-lids were already heavy. The burden of being a man was the need to sleep straight after ejaculation. He held the condom firm at the base of his cock as he removed himself from Maddy. Disposing of the condom, he hurried back to bed. He saw Maddy's phone vibrating. On the verge of telling her, he saw that she was already fast asleep. Rather than wake her, James figured if it was urgent they'd contact her on the land-line. He snuggled up to Maddy, cradling her. For a time the constant buzzing of her phone irritated him, interfering with his need to sleep. Eventually though, he dropped off. For the first time in as long as he could remember, James slept soundly.