Somewhere In Sevenoakes Read online

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  She closed her eyes in a bid to regain her composure. If things backfired tonight, there was every chance she'd never risk going on a date again. The whole incident, introduction and invitation with James yesterday remained unspoken by Maddy to her closest friends, family and work colleagues. The last thing she wanted was the pressure of having everyone involved, imparting words of wisdom on her as to how to ensure her date was a success. She'd kept her crush on James private, not wanting well-intentioned advice from people concerned about her single status and growing reputation in the office as a sad, cat-loving spinster. If anyone ever found out she had accepted a date from someone who was pretty much a random stranger, it would warrant even more interference from those who thought she was incapable of emotionally managing her heart effectively.

  The real truth was, she'd already invested daydreams and more recently, sexual fantasies involving James. If the evening turned out to be a disaster, she wanted to nurse her wounded pride and dashed dreams in the privacy of her own home. Being dumped days before she was due at the altar had been a mammoth obstacle to overcome in the last two years. Even something as tiny as a date was magnified in its importance in Maddy's eyes. While many would laugh about the odd awful date, Maddy didn't want to risk her love life becoming the laughing stock of the office. She genuinely felt it was time a little good luck and love entered her life. She hoped, with fingers crossed, it would be James to bestow that gift on her.

  The train slowed at Orpington. For the first time in six months both Maddy and James got off together.

  ”Are you familiar with Orpington?” enquired Maddy, instinctively linking her arm through James'.

  ”Only a little. I've a car so I've driven through it to get back to my place in Sevenoaks, but in all honesty it's not an area I've spent a lot of time in.”

  ”Nor would you want to.”

  ”It's not that bad, is it?” James asked, half serious.

  ”Not at all. It's peaceful and residential, but there's not a lot going on here. I guess when you work in the heart of London, it's nice to have a little peace and quiet in your private life.”

  The new bar was pitched close to the train station, attracting the commuter clientèle who had greater finances and an even greater thirst in the evening. The two of them sauntered into the premises, taking in their surroundings.

  ”It's not so bad, is it?”

  ”I'd say it's fairly decent,” agreed James. ”The menu looks good. Are you hungry at all, do you fancy something to eat?”

  Maddy put her hand on James to calm him.

  ”Sorry. I'm a bit nervous. It's a new situation for me,” said James, surprising himself with his frankness.

  ”Me too. I don't habitually throw my personal hygiene products on the floor of the train to try and get a date from a handsome stranger.”

  ”I can tell you if you did, you'd probably score a lot of free meals from it. Every guy wants to be a knight in shining armour!”

  ”Do you think?” asked Maddy seriously.

  ”Yeah I do.”

  Maddy put on her reading glasses and took the menu. She didn't want to dwell on the past but it was hard not to reflect on her time with Rick. He'd never been a knight in shining armour or if he had been, it wasn't Maddison he'd wanted to rescue. At the time, she was totally devoted to him, prioritising their relationship over every other element of her life. It was only when everything fell apart that Maddy realised she needed more than a man in her life. It concerned her now that the title of Assistant Financial Director may turn men off. Perhaps her lack of a love life was as a result of men being intimidated by her accomplishments and qualifications at a young age.

  ”You look a million miles away.”

  James' attentive tone, dragged her back to the present.

  ”I'm sorry. I was trying to figure out what men really want in a woman.”

  ”Ask ten different men and you'll get ten different answers Maddy. Speaking as a man, I appreciate I'll never know what any woman wants,” his attempt at a joke cajoled her into a lighter frame of mind.

  ”I don't think,” she contemplated, stirring her cocktail, ”I don't think I'm the kind of woman who needs rescuing. I have a great job where I'm secure and fulfilled by my work, I have my own place, I'm financially independent but while I'm proud of all that, I wonder now, is it a massive turn off for a guy to know he's not needed?”

  ”If you're asking me. I'd far rather be with a woman who wanted me, than one who needed me.”

  ”The difference being?”

  ”The difference is that if someone wants to be with you then the relationship has a greater chance of lasting longer. If a woman 'needs' you it can put a huge amount of pressure on the guy to perform or cater to her needs. A clingy, vulnerable woman can turn from sweet into a burden very quickly. When both partners are equal, there exists a mutual respect. The fun lasts a lot longer when you can spend your time enjoying the other person's company, rather than having to focus on how to provide for them or what the next big histrionic drama will be.”

  ”Wow, you sound like a man who has had his fair share of women draining his resources.”

  James threw his head back and laughed. He shifted his chair closer to the table where he could lean into Maddy.

  ”You're not wrong. It's mainly been on my wallet.”

  ”Don't worry, I'm a modern girl,” assured Maddy. ”I was going to suggest we go Dutch tonight rather than leave you with the entire tab.”

  ”I'm a gentleman so you won't be paying. But do you know how refreshing it is to find a woman prepared to do that? It makes you phenomenally attractive Maddy. That you have built a life you love is not only admirable but inspirational. I see it as a privilege that you'd entertain the idea of considering me as someone you may want to share in your life.”

  Maddy blushed.

  ”I don't think I've ever met a man who's been this open on a first date.”

  ”Is it a bad thing?”

  ”Not at all,” said Maddy.

  ”It would probably shock my friends and family to hear I'm not a player. They hear I'm a lawyer and assume my reputation and profession allows me to live a rich playboy lifestyle, but it couldn't be further from the truth.”

  ”What's the truth then?” challenged Maddy.

  He leaned across the table, his face inches from her. James was so close, Maddy could smell his aftershave and see how closely shaven his face was. His blue eyes were piercing, she could feel his breath and without warning, he caught her lips with his. It was barely more than a peck. She couldn't help but respond, catching his lips before he had time to pull away.

  It wasn't Maddy's style to make out in public. The intensity of the sexual charge was too great to resist. Her hand reached for his cheek as she let her kiss linger longer than necessary. Hoping she hadn't over-stepped the line she leant back in her chair, her hand dropping from his face to James' hand. James laced his fingers through Maddy's.

  ”The truth is, in my twenties I did like being the playboy, but the women you attract when you behave like that aren't the kind you want to spend the rest of your life with. One night stands and trophy girlfriends have a very limited appeal. I want to be loved, not used. My spare time is precious to me because I have so little of it. I want to make sure I spend it with the right woman, not an endless stream of wrong women. Work takes up most of my time and I love what I do, but I don't think it's wise to shut all the other doors in your life. Even jobs have an expiry date. '

  ”Not mine,” said Maddy resolutely, ”our company continues to increase its profits. I've been there eight years and Geoff will retire in a year or two and then I'll be promoted to Financial Director.”

  ”That's an impressive statistic to hear in the current financial climate,” said James, switching into work mode. ”What's the name of the company you work for?”

  ”Yearwood, Angus and Port. They're chartered surveyors.”

  ”You guys are making a profit and expanding in the
property industry?” he asked in disbelief.

  Maddy nodded proudly, discussing their strategies and how the company operated to have succeeded where many were trying to stay afloat. James couldn't resist how cute she was with her passion for the company and her role within it.

  ”Sounds like one big family,” he remarked.

  ”It really is. I think that's why we've flourished. Everyone feels a part of it. It's not merely a nine to five job to pay the rent. Each and every employee contributes actively to the company and are rewarded in the process. It's transparent. I think feeling involved makes you care more. It's why we have such a tight company and a tiny turnover of staff.”

  The evening continued smoothly with no awkward silences and the couple rarely stopping to break the conversation. Last orders were called and James got them both a final drink for the night.

  ”We should ask for the bill,” commented Maddy.

  ”I've already settled it.”

  ”I thought you liked independent women.”

  ”I adore them, but as I've discovered tonight, Maddy you are far more than just a woman.”

  ”Isn't there a disco song about that?”

  James put his fingers to her lips to shush her.

  ”Don't make light of yourself Maddy. You are more than most women. You're a lady and you should be treated accordingly. You may not need rescuing, but I think you deserved to be treated once in a while. I'd like to be the one to do that tonight.”

  His eyes were serious and Maddy felt frightened by how rapidly things were moving between the two. She'd not dated in two years and this man was wearing his heart on his sleeve. Part of her wanted to run away, frightened he would only break her heart. Another part of her wanted to throw herself in his arms and stay there forever.

  ”Can I walk you home?”

  ”I'd like that very much.”

  Maddy's flat wasn't far from the station or the bar. It was within ten minutes walking distance but in a residential area. She liked the location and security it offered. Having reached her front door, Maddy was in a quandary as to what she was supposed to do next. If she didn't invite him in, James might think her rude or uninterested in him. If she did invite him in, he may think she was loose with her sexual favours. She fumbled in her bag, trying to grab her keys.

  ”I better let you go and get your beauty sleep,” said James, releasing her from having to decide what was the correct date etiquette.

  Maddy's relief was short-lived as she then wondered whether or not they should kiss. They had, briefly in the pub, but apart from holding hands James hadn't initiated any further body contact.

  ”You're not going to change trains tomorrow morning are you?” asked James.

  ”No. Are you?”

  ”Absolutely not,” he stated firmly.

  He bent his head and very lightly kissed her. His plump lips were soft and sweet, making the kiss sensuous. Maddy slid her hands inside his suit jacket to get closer to him. Underneath the silk of his shirt she could feel how ripped his torso was. The kisses became longer and wetter. Maddy pressed her tongue into his mouth and tentatively moved it around.

  James groaned, he wanted to behave in a gentlemanly fashion and was fighting the urge not to get into the studio flat where he could take her properly; make love to her like she needed. He could feel Maddy's breasts pressed firmly against him. As the kisses became more fervoured, he went hard and his cock strained against his trousers. He knew Maddy would be able to feel it pressing on her belly.

  Rather than step back, Maddy too was fighting her physical desires. She was debating on whether she should unlock the front door, get James in and drop to her knees to take care of the erection nestled on her stomach. The thought of being on her knees in front of him gave her a frisson and she felt a burst of wetness between her legs. She stepped back from James, tipping her head to the night sky to see if she could see any stars in the smoggy London night sky. As she regained a calmer disposition, all she could hear in her quiet street was James' heavy breathing.

  ”It got intense there. I'm sorry,” he grinned sheepishly.

  ”Not at all.”

  Maddy looked up at him and stood on tip toes to snake an arm around his neck to bring him down for a kiss. Again the minute there was physical contact the two were unable to separate. Seeing the shape of his length tugging to escape his trousers, Maddy ran her hand over the shaft through the fabric of his pants.

  ”Maddy you're driving me insane,” he whispered.

  ”Is that a good or bad thing?” she asked.

  ”Both. I'm finding it very hard...”

  ”As am I,” teased Maddy, rubbing her hand on his hard-on.

  ”I'm finding it very hard to behave well here,” he continued, ”you aren't making this easy.”

  ”It's not easy for me either, but I think it's sensible to say goodnight for now.”

  She heard the whisper of a curse from James.

  ”You're right. There'll be other chances?” he asked hopefully.

  ”There better be.”

  He kissed her, said goodnight, then headed towards the train station. Maddy watched him walk off. Life was definitely becoming more interesting.


  James stood in the shower, letting the hot water rain down on him. Last night had gone better than he had hoped. Maddy was beautiful, bright and engaging. He found her enigmatic. James was certain something had gone on in her past, something that had triggered her into becoming a dedicated career woman. His gut instinct was that if he could get Maddy to confide in him, he'd then have an idea as how best to pursue the relationship. Her trust in men had been smashed some time ago. His current predicament wouldn't help the situation. It was imperative he convey to Maddy he had a professional interest in her company before they'd met formally, to avoid her thinking their meeting was premeditated.

  The minute she'd mentioned the name 'Yearwood, Angus and Port' his stomach had knotted. That particular firm of chartered surveyors was familiar to him. He was in the process of brokering a deal for a larger company to buy 'Yearwood, Angus and Port'. As far as he was aware, the major directors were near retiring age and wanted to sell the company they'd built up from scratch, carrying on as consultants until they were ready to retire permanently. Maddy hadn't exaggerated the company's financial success. It's what made the business stand-out as a viable investment option for the client he was contracted to.

  Maddy's company had a strong portfolio. A company that could be acquired by his property development and management clients, R&C Property Ltd, would benefit their business. James was torn in half. He was obligated by his job to adhere to the legal professional privilege, forcing him to protect and keep confidential all his communications with his clients. The information couldn't be divulged, nor would he consider doing so. Maddy's career hopes and aspirations lay solely with her employers. It wouldn't be too long before that security was snatched away from her. She'd made it clear last night how devoted to work she was. James feared she wouldn't take it well when she discovered her company was being taken over by a larger organisation. Having done the majority of work, he knew staff cut-backs would have to be made when the deal was finalised. It was always a human resources nightmare with mergers and acquisitions. R&C Property Ltd had their own established, trustworthy staff ready to step in and run the business. They would only keep on a minimal number of original staff from Maddy's company to show them the ropes and fill in any staffing gaps.

  He put his head in his hands. His biggest concern was that R&C Property Ltd had their own team of accountants. It was anticipated the financial director of 'Yearwood, Angus and Port', a guy called Geoff Angus, would stay on as financial consultant. These two facts made it highly likely Maddy's position would become redundant. The longevity she valued at work would be stripped from her without her having any input whatsoever. James would love to have given her a heads up, advised her to start searching for work elsewhere, but it wasn't his place to. It would be
career suicide if he confided any information regarding the business transaction to Maddy.

  James would have sworn on Monday with Maddy's handbag spilling inside the train that the universe was bringing the two together, but when he'd heard who her employers were last night, he would've placed money on fate intervening to tear them apart.

  Maddy was already winning his heart, but he was determined to keep a professional business head. He couldn't afford to jeopardise the deal for his clients. They had been with him for years and he'd habitually bought them the best financially flourishing companies to join their portfolio. It was possibly the first time in his career that he appreciated how difficult it was on the employees who never had an idea of what was going on until after the paperwork was signed off.