Exclusive Love (British Billionaires Series) Read online

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  Some had found love (and subsequently lost it hence their return), some had started relationships that never fully flowered, some searched desperately and without success, some scored a lot of sex, some tried to score a lot of sex but remained rejected and some wanted the women to look away while the millionaires enjoyed themselves in the company of males.

  There was nothing fresh or new from the dating site and there wouldn’t be. The seed of the story was germinated when it appeared as though Exclusive Love.com was different. Spending an evening dissecting the website’s failings with one of the founders, confirmed the website wasn’t unique. Katy already knew nothing unusual would be uncovered that week.

  She knew her attitude, painful disinterest and clock watching was detrimental when interviewing the British millionaires but was unconcerned. John’s stereotypical male traits were a blessing. He hadn’t noticed her vintage wardrobe was absent from the office even though each date she attended originated from there. Content she was playing ball and stroking his ego, he hadn’t notice the dramatic change in her mood or the way she carried herself physically.

  Thursday morning was Loki. The name belonged to the God of Mischief from Norse mythology. Highly unlikely given the site boasted British millionaires, but if he was of Scandinavian origin like his namesake he might be pretty to look at as Katy methodically interviewed him with the same disinterest she’d applied to the other interviewees.

  Approaching the corner table, she groaned finding someone seated there. It was the usual table she told her breakfast dates she’d be at. Occupied, Katy was forced to stand by the door asking every man rushing to get a coffee if he was Loki. In hindsight, referring to the photos, might have been of assistance however futile the dates were.

  ‘Hello, Katy.’

  Shivering as though a cold wind blew through her clothes, her stomach dropped at the greeting. Wondering if she had the onset of a migraine, Katy settled into her usual comfortable chair.

  ‘Does Oscar know you’re still online at Executive Love? Does Oscar know you’re dating behind his back?’

  ‘No and no.’

  ‘I mean breakfast is good. It’s an innocent date. You’re fresher in the morning, usually sober. Unless you’re me, of course. Breakfast meetings give you the opportunity to assess your date. An evening date you’ve gone though after work drinks, dinner, clubbing, alcohol, coffee back at someone’s place and after all that effort, no matter how drunk, incompatible and repulsed you are by each other, you’re faced with the awkward question of should we have sex tonight? Speaking of which, should we have sex tonight?’


  ‘Ah, I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. I thought you were playing hard to get, leaving visiting my pad for a shag till the last minute, but then I had the strange notion that you might not bother. It was tough tracking you down. I trawled Exclusive Love for Katy. Let’s be honest as name, it’s as common as you. If you wanted to upgrade your name to help create a single, rich woman persona online you’d go with the original version, Katherine. There were a few to go through, but you are stunning. You stood out easily compared to the other Katherines on Exclusive Love. It’s why we’re going to have sex.’

  ‘No, we’re not’

  ‘I’m detecting a resistance and reluctance on your part. You don’t want to give out negative vibes, Katy. No one will want to be near you.’

  ‘You are. You won’t go away. That’s what you do, though. You want to play. Loki. God of mischief. Draws on the letters in your surname, giving it a similar appearance on paper to Locke, if you took away the Smythes. Which of course happened. Ironic. You take the Avatar of a Nordic God on Exclusive Love to draw attention to your over inflated ego and misguided belief that your money makes you godly, Robert.

  ‘There was nothing you could do when your Dad died. Your godly powers didn’t stretch to curing cancer, did they? Rather than mourn him and respect his efforts in humanitarian law and pro bono cases, you canter through his inheritance disassociating with the family. Through the family tree your Dad was linked to the Smythes. Not only are you pissing away his money but you pissed on his grave by refusing to take his surname.’

  Quivering in anger, Robert was seething.

  ‘It’s all too easy. Too text book. Too mainstream. If that’s how you choose to live, I’m guessing the sex would be as mundane. There’s no incentive for me,’ sneered Katy.

  ‘What incentive do you think Oscar will have to maintain your relationship when he finds out you’re a two-timing slut who can’t keep her knickers on?’

  ‘Come on, Robert. Did you think you’d win? Did you think I wouldn’t research you? I’m a reporter. It’s on the website. As for Oscar? I’ll be forced to tell him that the piece of undercover work I was assigned to was related to Exclusive Love. I had to keep my profile in order for me to go on dates to find a way into what’s happening behind the scenes at this extraordinary website that belittles American women. Running into you has of course compromised all my work so, it looks like I’ll be deleting it and heading home to bed with Oscar sooner rather than later.’

  ‘You’re bluffing. You were with Imogen the other night. You’ve got your story on Exclusive Love. You had all the ins and outs. Screening rich women to prevent gold-diggers but happily accepting high paying memberships from men wanting to use the site for sex. It doesn’t make sense dating guys to interview them to get close to Exclusive Love for an exposé now. I told you I saw straight through you. You’re nothing but a cheap, common whore.

  ‘Clever to bypass the screening, I’ll grant you that. Having an intellect doesn’t compensate for an inability to be monogamous. I’ll call your bluff. You won’t let Oscar go. You had a taster on the weekend. All you have to do is spread your legs for me one time and you can bleed the ginger man dry. Friday, midnight. That’s the deadline. I’ve freed my schedule.’

  ‘What’s going to hurt Oscar more? Me being a no show after you’ve confidently waited out my remaining time or when you go to Oscar to ‘tell all’ only to find we’ve already split, hence my being back on the market?’

  His green eyes studied hers intently. Was her refusal to sleep with him under duress truly down to the fact she had nothing to lose because she’d already lost Oscar? Was the dating for an undercover article on Exclusive Love to back up the facts Imogen had innocently let slip when drunk in the company of a trusted new friend?

  Could Oscar possibly love the girl, knowing Katy was a poor reporter living in a tin pot town? Cynicism fogged the logical argument. He reached into the breast pocket of his suit.

  ‘My card. In case you lost the other one.’

  Chapter Twenty-two

  The run in with Robert had shaken Katy, but also shaken some sense and spirit back into her. Derogatory comments about Oscar grated, but Robert thinking himself the better man was downright deluded. Throwing down her weapons and conceding defeat on Tuesday night, losing Oscar without a proper goodbye was unthinkable. Katy had messed up royally, although she knew it hadn’t been entirely her fault.

  She’d dealt ineptly with fate bringing Oscar to her in an inopportune fashion. Loving him as she did, Katy refused to have her dismissal occur in the form of a text, email or cutting contact completely without warning. Oscar appeared to be choosing to implement their break up by dissolving contact. His twice daily texts were all she had left. The race was on as to who would cut the final cord of their bond.

  Wanting to flee to him in possession of a clear head, sanity prevailed alongside the prospect of queuing up for unemployment benefits. Claiming to be overloaded at work, waiting anxiously at the Four Seasons for him to finish work might result in creating an internal state of panic. Attending the first date after work, she swilled down alcohol to build courage for her confrontation with Oscar later. Doubtless her date Cecil would call her a lush. Katy knew the obvious effects of her precursor alcohol binge would wear off on the train journey into the city.

  Confidently entering The Four
Seasons, she told the elevator operator the floor number. Shooting up in the lift, the dramatic farewell was overshadowed by thoughts that Oscar might have changed hotels given that he wasn’t answering the land-line of the suite, he could be pulling an all nighter at the office or already entertaining women.

  Preparing to see Oscar naked, engaged in a menage a trois with two play-bunnies, Katy knocked on the door. Unlocking the door in seconds, Oscar was in his standard bedroom attire of gray jogging bottoms and white shirt.


  Flinging her arms round his neck, she was thrilled to feel his muscular arms tighten round her waist affectionately.

  ‘This is unexpected. I can’t believe you’re here.

  ‘Unexpected in a good or bad way?’

  ‘Good, definitely good.’

  ‘See I told you Imogen and Rupert were sincere when they said our unannounced visit was welcome.’

  ‘You did and you were right.’

  Hugging her tightly, she felt the air hiss from her lungs and wondered when she’d be able to re-inflate them.

  ‘Come through. I was in the study finishing up work. I can’t believe you’re here. I thought you had work?’

  Sparkling blue eyes, his smile was as wide as she’d ever seen it.

  ‘I did. I do, but I had to see you and you mean more to me than work.’

  ‘Sounded on Tuesday like your boss was whipping you solidly and your job was on the line.’

  Sitting cross legged on the shared sofa he mirrored her body language.

  ‘He was and it is, but I have a recognized medical condition. He can’t expect me to work if I’ve a migraine.’

  Her presence had his heart thumping in his chest. Oscar wondered why it couldn’t always be like this. Everything felt right. Everything felt good. They were at their best together in love. Katy knew she couldn’t allow herself to believe for a second that this moment might somehow change their ending.

  ‘I’ll get us a drink,’ he said.

  ‘Don’t bother.’

  Katy’s hand went to his chest, forcing him to walk backwards till his calves hit the base of the bed. In the milliseconds unconsciously glancing down to steady himself took, she shoved with both hands sending Oscar flying onto the mattress.

  Launching herself on top, she straddled Oscar, removed her t-shirt and bra, then rubbed against his groin. Katy’s passion and power was a natural aphrodisiac to Oscar. Though he could easily have turned the tables through his physical prowess to playfully remind her who was in charge, the competitive thought didn’t cross his mind.

  The tsunami of sexual need confused him, preventing him from focusing on the areas reacting to her touch. Lips locked, their tongues wound round one another, constantly seeking to deepen the kiss. He could feel the weight of her pendulous breasts pressed to his chest. The material of his shirt was so sheer he could feel her firm nipples signaling her aroused state. Her jeans were cumbersome, but her rapidly gyrating hips and the pressure she was exerting had him rock hard and ready to enter.

  Tearing herself from the never ending kiss, Katy hopped off to lie next to Oscar on the bed. Squirming out of her jeans and panties, she curled in close to him, semi-fetal, her head in line with his waist. Her palm circled over his crotch, as she tugged at the elastic of his jogging bottoms to reveal his hard-on. He was smug that she was groaning at the sight of it. Katy’s hands were warm, her grip firm.

  Oscar was astounded how naturally she worked his shaft and how noticeably his body responded. The flicker of her tongue over his helmet, compelled him to clench his hands into fists to prevent himself taking over to guide her. Keen to observe how eager she was to perform the act on him, he lay back. Taking her tongue up and down his length, her lips parted to envelop the head.

  Sucking hard, he gasped at the electric sensations shooting through such a sensitive area. Relaxing to soften her reflux muscles, she inched him down her throat. She worked his erection rhythmically, using her tongue to twist and twirl as her head bobbed up and down.

  She released at the slight expansion and prominent pulsating of him within her mouth. The sex and attraction were present, but knowing it was their last time had Katy bittersweet. The fast and furious attack had been welcome. Returning to straddle him, as she sank on Oscar’s erection she moved as if in slow motion. The lazy style allowed Oscar the vision of her pert breasts jiggling as she rode him.

  Her internal muscles contracting and tightening massaged his shaft. Delighted, Oscar reached up to knead her breasts. Tantalized by the soft flesh, frustrated his hands weren’t physically able to cup them fully so he could experience the full weight of her melons, he tweaked her nipples hard. Flinging her head back, the shift in her spine was detected by his shaft buried deep within her. He did it harder. Moaning, dropping her head, he jerked his hips.

  The stab from his sizable hard-on took her from a faraway romantic place she would never return to, back to the hotel suite. The unexpected jab from his bucking, had her revert to cowboy mode. She rode him lustily to disguise her heartache. Like a wild stallion, the force of their mutual needs to reach orgasm while satisfying the other partner had them frantic.

  Katy steadied herself by planting both hands on his broad chest. Tilting her pelvis, her clit was positioned over his pubic bone. The resulting clash resulted in her bud being subject to seriously smooth resistance, taking her over the edge. He held her firm on his shaft, coming quicker than anticipated. The sensations of her orgasm and the stunning visual were superior to anything he’d ever seen on cable or the internet.

  She lay on top of him, talking of love, life and all that fell in between. An alert on her phone had her bolting upright from the lucid sleep she was verging on.

  ‘What’s up? Is everything okay?’ mumbled Oscar, trying to wake himself hurriedly as he noticed Katy dressing.

  ‘Everything’s fine. I’ve got an early start. My ride’s here.’

  The things a father will do for his daughter, thought Katy, knowing her father had driven out to collect her because public transport wouldn’t get her home safely at this hour.

  ‘You didn’t say,’ he pouted.

  ‘You were asleep two seconds after you came. I didn’t have time.’

  ‘That could be true.’

  She kissed his lips then made to leave the room.

  ‘Hey, Katy.’

  She stopped.

  ‘Last day today.’

  ‘It is.’

  ‘What time should I pick you up?’

  ‘I’ll be done by 11pm so any time after that.’

  ‘I didn’t realize it was so late.’

  ‘Why don’t you stay over the night at Mum and Dad’s? Drive fresh on Saturday rather than trekking all the way out there and back in the middle of the night.’

  ‘I’d like that very much.’

  ‘Get some sleep.’

  She took two paces then stopped.



  ‘I love you.’

  ‘Love you, too.’

  Heavier steps and leaden feet, she shuffled another two paces.

  ‘Hey, Oscar?’



  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Waking on Saturday morning for a second or two, Katy felt as though her life was as it should be. Transitioning completely out of sleep, her brain rushed to alert her to the priorities, concerns, physical and emotional traumas she had to assess and deal with.

  Oscar hadn’t shown. Even though she had her goodbye on Thursday night, allowing her the memory of how potent sex and love could be united, a foolish part of her head or heart had been certain he would appear at 11pm. He never came.

  Forcing the pizza down her gullet, enduring the movie, Katy hadn’t confided in her parents. Being stood up and rejected had an emotional impact to echo throughout the remainder of one’s life. To have to have your loved ones witnessing the ordeal, not only provided the extra ingredient of humil
iation, but was heartbreaking for the observer. Her parents loved her.

  Knowing what was happening they’d have insisted on staying up, waiting with her, praying the man would turn up and ultimately breaking their hearts knowing there was nothing they could do to prevent their daughter from being hurt.

  Snuggling under her duvet, Katy could escape Oscar and the rest of the world. Time lost its meaning. A light knock on the door was the sign one of her parents was preparing to enter.

  ‘You’ve a visitor Katy. He said he’d wait on the patio,’ whispered her father gently.

  Clean, fresh jogging bottoms and a loose sport shirt, not his usual style, Katy was stunned to see Oscar.

  ‘I wasn’t sure whether I should come or not. I mean it wasn’t even two weeks. Two weeks is nothing out of thirty five years. Not even fourteen days. Why all the drama? But here I am. I came out of a sense of duty.’

  Katy would be damned if she’d thank him for that.

  ‘The phone rang as I was set to leave the office. I took the call and wasn’t surprised to hear it was Robert. Seems I’m easy to find online. I knew what was coming so I was able to be civil to him. He asked for my mobile number because Rupert wouldn’t pass mine on to him. I said he needed to get over his problems and stop disrespecting your wishes.

  Of course, he scoffed at my use of the word disrespect, insisting he had something he could only send via text. I told him I was terminating the call. His last ditch to get my attention worked. He asked why I was so concerned you be treated with respect when you were flagrantly disrespecting me. I wish I hadn’t taken the bait.’

  Pausing, Oscar wasn’t sure whether he wanted Katy to speak or not.

  ‘I got a photo through of you and a guy sitting cosily together at a restaurant. I rang him and asked him to be straight with me. Having the upper hand he said couldn’t there and then, but was free after midnight. I knew I was due to arrive at yours for 11pm but I didn’t think being late would be a major issue. Truth is I spent hours studying that photo. Blue-toothed it to my lap top to examine it in closer detail. I knew it was you.